An efficient and responsive technical service !

Our technicians are at your disposal to carry out the preventive maintenance of your device, but also to intervene on the repair or on the resolution of technical problems that you may encounter. They will ensure that your device is repaired in a very responsive time frame.

We can repair all brands of devices (Aremeca, Wika, Desgranges & Huot, Budenberg..). Upon receipt of your device, a complete expertise and tests will be carried out in order to establish a detailed offer. Once received your agreement, the repair will be scheduled. In case of impossibility of repair, or too high costs, we will recommend a replacement device.

  • Preventive maintenance includes : complete cleaning, replacement of seals, pressure tests
  • Repair service includes : cleaning, replacement of broken parts, replacement of seals, pressure tests

We ensure the traceability of our interventions throughout the life of the device. For AREMECA devices, data relating to assembly, manufacturing and after-sales service are kept under its serial number. For other brands, we keep the data under their identification number.

Our sales department is at your disposal to plan an intervention.